Gaia No Podcast
If you make your way over to the episodes page, you can listen to an all new episode of Gaia No Podcast! Check it out, and comment directly on it. There's also a link to it's transcript!
Yes i am happy to reveal that my co-host for gaia no podcast will be my good friend, Zuljo/James. He agreed to do it with me and i was going to ask him to come and record it this Saturday, but alas i'm not allowed anyone over on Saturday as i am home alone. (what am i, 6?) basically because my stepmum is being pretty annoying lately. So, for now, recording is delayed.

I need to stop ending every Blog title with an exclemation mark.

I decided to make the Blog page the Homepage, just because the old homepage was a little boring...

Also, i'm bored at College and this seemed fun.

GNP episode 2 is coming to a pair of ears near you soon!
So i decided to start a Blog on this site, just to keep you guys on what's happening with Gaia No Podcast.

So far, the second episode is under construction. I've already picked some songs for it and just need a guest from people i know to come on and talk with me.

Though, we may do some requests on it; so if you want a song to be played, reply to this!